Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bat Lady Barb Visits!

Bat Lady Barb brought some bats that have died, so that we could see their differences and study them up close.

She also brought some critters to share.

She shared some food items that are byproducts from bats pollination. Cashews and gum are two examples.

Here are some examples of a bat's diets: insects, fish, frogs, and blood.

This is Bat Lady Barb. She donates her honorarium to the Bat Conservatory.

Here is a brown bat.

Here is a flying fox bat.

The largest bat vs the smallest bat.

The smallest bat is a bumblebee bat.

We also got to see some of the bats that she is nursing back to health.

Once the bats are well, she releases them back into the wild.

She lets bats hang on her shower curtain in her bathroom!

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