Friday, September 28, 2012

PTSA Jogathon

Poor guy! First Jogathon and he can't participate fully!

The AMAZINGLY talented, and oh so funny, Mr. Abernethy. He made the event so fun with his MC abilities.

One of the drink stations.

Hey girls! How's it goin'?

Look at that girl of ours fly!

He ran the second most amount of laps!

This guy never stopped running!

How cute are they?

And these cuties...

More cuteness...

Can't miss this cuteness...

Still more cuteness...

Have we hit the cuteness quota yet? NOooooo!

Is it possible to have more cuteness? Yes!

And certainly we can't forget these cuties!

The excitement builds right before we start.

Ahhhhh!!!!!!!! Get out of the way!

I was very proud of these two runners. They were amazing.

We are so lucky to have a PTSA that is willing to go to so much work to sponsor and organize this event. We have a great time each year. This is year three. A big shout-out goes to Mrs. Macauley for her leadership and expertise in this event. Thank you! Also, thanks to the parents who volunteered for our event.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Behavior Consequences at Emerald Park

Behavior Consequences
Some of the methods we may use to help change unconstructive student behavior include:
·         Verbal/Non-verbal
·         Student/Teacher Conference
·         Reflection Time and/or Time Out
·         Written Problem-Solving Plan
·         Discipline Referral
·         Restricted Movement
·         Modified Schedule
·         Work Detail
·         Parent/Teacher/Student Conference
·         Loss of Field Trip
·         Shortened Day
·         School-wide Communication Slip

      The following consequences may be applied after misbehavior:
·         Loss of recess
·         Community Service
·         Talk to student/verbal warning
·         Use problem solving thinking map or resolution plan
·         Write apology letter
·         Call home
·         Walk with playground supervisor during recess or “benching”.
·         Time out in partner teacher’s classroom
·         After school detention
·         Read playground rules
·         Meet/or phone conference with parents
·         Suspension in-school or out of school
·         Expulsion

Damaged property needs to be replaced or repaired. If this is not possible, something must be decided upon that is agreeable to both parties. There will be a zero-tolerance policy for drug-related activity, weapons (including toys), physical abuse, or severe verbal abuse. Students will earn school discipline that includes, but is not limited to, school service or short/long term suspension for zero-tolerance infractions.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oops! Slips

OOPS! Slip
This is a form that is used within the school to document a minor infraction of the school rules. It is the first step in our school wide discipline system. It is used for informational purposes. A copy of the slip may be sent home by the classroom teacher, if deemed necessary. If the behavior is repeated an Office Referral Form is the next step.

When I have to issue an Oops! Slip during class time, or if a student receives one from another staff memeber, I will keep the student in for morning recess for five minutes. If this does not stop the behaviors, I will call home.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Where Is Mrs. Standlee?

This month has proven challenging for me in the area of attendance. Last week, I had jury duty for a day. Luckily, it lasted only the one day. Yesterday, I had a building meeting to help place students who need extra help in math and reading. Tomorrow and Friday, I will be helping my son move to California where he will be serving an intern position for his college degree. I will be back on Monday ready to have uninterrupted time with my great class. I just love them and will miss them when I am gone.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kirkus Review September Picture Books Review

If you are looking for some good recommendations for books to read to your child, seek out your local or school library for the following great books!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Curriculum Night Is Here!

September 18
Whole School Curriculum Night

Please try to find someone to tend to your younger children as this is a night of presentations that is uninteresting to the wee little folks, so they will get bored. We all know what happens when young ones get bored. Their behavior will typically make the adults unable to pay attention to what is being stated. The staff has worked long hours to make this event meaningful to parents. Much of the information the staff has prepared is important for parents to retain in order to help the student be successful all year. Thank you for your consideration.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


The student pictures are now posted! We finally had everyone here for the first time, so I was abe to get all the shots I needed.

Sneak preview... I will post shots of many of our wonderful staff that we encounter each day soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Here We Go!

We have made it through our first three days of school. Our last student joined us today, so now all 25 of the students have been present. Today was exciting because we made it to Computers. We learned how to log on, navigate and log off along with policies and procedure, rules and routines.

I am planning on adding student pictures to this site tonight, so stay tuned. It's going to be a great year.